exhibitions, public collections etc.

 2018 - Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Bradford

 2018 - John Loker: Six Decades, Flowers Gallery
Kingsland Road, London

 2016 - Space is a Dangerous Country, Flowers
Gallery Cork Street, London

 2009 - New Works, Flowers Central, London

 2007 - John Loker, Flowers Central, London

 1999 - Chelsea Arts Club, London

 1998 - Flowers East, London

 1995 - Flowers Graphics, London

 1994 - Angela Flowers Gallery, London

 1993 - Flowers East, London

 1992 - Crossover, Watermans Art Centre, London
 Monoprints, Flowers East, London
 Chesil Gallery, Dorset

 1990 - Flowers East, London

 1989 A Decade of Prints, Flowers East, London
 Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam,

 1988 - Angela Flowers Gallery, London

 1986 - Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam;
Studio Exhibition, London

 1985 - Angela Flowers Gallery, London

 1984 - Galerie du Monde, Hong Kong

 1983 - Works on Paper 1970–1983, Angela Flowers
Gallery, London

 1982 - Angela Flowers Gallery, London
 Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam,

 1981 - Arnolfini, Bristol
 Newlyn Orion, Newlyn
 Cartwright Hall Art Gallery, Bradford
 Newcastle Polytechnic Gallery, Newcastle

 1980 - Angela Flowers Gallery, London
 Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam, Netherlands

 1978 - Angela Flowers Gallery, London
 Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam, Netherlands
 Park Square Gallery, Leeds

 1975 - Studio Exhibition, London
 Park Square Gallery, Leeds
 Angela Flowers Gallery, London

 1973 - Angela Flowers Gallery, London

 1970 - Horizontals and Drawings, Angela Flowers
Gallery; ICA, London

 1969 - Studio Exhibition, London

 2020 - 50x50 Exhibition

 2014 - 
The Artists Folio: As a Site of Inquiry, Cartwright
Hall Art Gallery, Bradford

 2013 - Angela Flowers at 80, Flowers Gallery
Kingsland Road, London

 2012 - 12 British Artists, Flowers Gallery New York

 2011 - Inspirations 2011, Art from East Anglia,
Jarrolds, Norwich

 2008 - Norman Stevens Tribute Exhibition, Redfern
Gallery, London

 2004 - John Loker & Trevor Jones, The Cut, Halesworth Arts Centre
 Modern British Abstracts, The last gallery,  Zurich, Switzerland
 35th Anniversary Exhibition, Flowers East, London

 2003 - Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of
Arts, London

 2001 - British Abstract Painting 2001, Flowers
East, London

 2001 - Summer Exhibition, Elm Hill Contemporary
Art, Norwich

 1998 - Contemporary British Landscape, Flowers
East, London

 1996 - Loker, Hirst, Hodgson, Flowers East,

 1994 - British Abstract Art, Part I: Painting,
Flowers East, London

 1992 - Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of
Arts, London

 1991 - Modern Art Matters, City Museum and
Art Gallery, Worcester

 1990 - Angela Flowers Gallery 1970–1990,
Barbican Centre London
Intergrafik 90, Berlin, Germany
Cubism, Blackman Harvey, London

 1988 - Royal College, 150 Years, Royal Academy
of Arts, London

 1987 - Process and Product, Turnpike Gallery,
Leigh, Greater Manchester
Whitegates, Bradford Festival, Bradford
Contemporary Artists, Cartwright Hall
Art Gallery, Bradford
Passage West, Angela Flowers Ireland;
Crawford Arts Centre, Cork

 1986 - 9th British International Print Biennale,
4th European Print Biennale, Baden-Baden, Germany and Tour
Side by Side, Contemporary British and Malaysian Art, Kuala Lumpur / Hong Kong
Anniversary Show, Arnolfini, Bristol

 1985 - Fourth Biennale of European Graphic Art,
Baden-Baden, Germany
Tolly Cobbold Eastern Arts 5th National
Exhibition, Fitzwilliam, Cambridge and Tour

 1984 - 8th British International Print Biennale,
International Drawing Biennale, Rijeka, Yugoslavia
Big Paintings, Angela Flowers Gallery, London
A View from my Window, Angela Flowers Gallery, London

 1982 - 5 Via De, Wetering Galerie, Stichting
Beeldende Kunst, Helmond, Netherlands
Landscape Prints, Brighton Polytechnic Gallery

 1981 - Landscape, The Print-Maker’s View, Tate
Gallery, London

 1980 - The British Art Show: Arts Council of Great
Britain, touring exhibition

 1979-  Three Artists’ Drawings, Wetering Galerie,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sixth Bradford International Print Biennale,

 1978 - Het Landschap, Gemoentelijke Van
Reekumgalery, Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Landscape to Land Art, Henie-Onstad
Kunstsenter, Hovikodden, Norway
John Moores Exhibition, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

 1976 - Six Bradford Artists, Cartwright Hall Art
Gallery, Bradford
Arts Council Collection 75/76, Hayward Gallery, London

 1975 - British Art Mid-70s, Jahrhunderthalle, Hoechst, Frankfurt/Forum Levekusen, Germany
7th International Festival of Painting,

 1974 - John Moores, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
An Element of Landscape, Arts Council of Great Britain Touring Exhibition
 New British Prints, New York and U.S.A Touring exhibition

 1973 An Octet from Angela Flowers, Scottish Arts Council Gallery, Edinburgh

 1972 Art Spectrum, Alexandra Palace, London
 John Moores Painting Prize, Walker Art
Gallery, Liverpool

 1969 John Moores, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

 1965 Post Biennale, RCA Galleries, London

 1963 London Group, RBA Galleries, London
Young Contemporaries, RBA Galleries, London

Selected Solo Exhibitions

Selected Group Exhibitions

 Arts Council of Great Britain
 British Council
 Contemporary Art Society
 De Beers
 Department of the Environment
 Deutsche Bank AG, London
 Dudley City Art Gallery
 Ferens Art Gallery, Hull
 Hunterian Collection, Glasgow
 Leeds City Art Gallery
 Lloyds TSB Group plc, London
 Manchester City Art Gallery
 Power Institute of Fine Art, Sydney
 Rugby City Art Gallery
 Tate Gallery
 Van Reekumgaler, Apeldoorn
 Victoria and Albert Museum
 Wakefield City Art Gallery
 Worcester City Art Gallery

Public Collections

 2009 - New Works (exhibition catalogue), Flowers Central, London

 1998 - John Loker (exhibition catalogue,
16 Jan – 15 Feb), Flowers East, London

 1994 - British Abstract Art, Part I: Painting
(exhibition catalogue, 5 Aug – 11 Sept), Flowers East, London

 1990 - John Loker (exhibition catalogue,
17 Feb – 18 March), Flowers East, London

 1981 - John Loker, Ten Years Work, Arnolfini
Gallery, Bristol

 1984 - Thriding by John Loker, Watmoughs
(Holdings) PLC, West Yorkshire

 1986 - Littered Ways (Suite of 6 woodblocks
with poem)


 1994 - Winner of the Nordstern Award for best
print at The Royal Academy Summer

 1992 - Painting commissioned by Stanhope
Developments for the ITN building (Norman Foster), Grays Inn Road, London WC1

 1984 - Essex General Hospital

 1983 - Watmoughs Holdings, Bradford

 1963 - Awarded Abbey Minor Travelling Scholarship

Awards and Commissions